About Me

Michelle is a twenty-something recently-decided English major at the University of Michigan. (Obligatory) Go Blue! She loves to read and is not picky about what, thanks to her Victorian Bestsellers English class, though she prefers the occasional guilty-pleasure romance novel. Aspires to find happiness in her future through a combination of her hobbies: traveling, reading and writing, and generally experiencing life.

Fun Facts

Michelle is a spinster-in-training specializing in the hobbies art of cross-stitch, knitting, mug-collecting and scrapbooking. Most importantly, she likes collecting hobbies. Other non-spinster hobbies include badminton and excuse-generating.

She is a complete foodie. Michelle loves food and if left alone to her own devices, she would eat until she had to be lifted by crane to the nearest buffet so that she could eat more.


There are so many things in life that Michelle wants to try. Many of these things stem from other inspirations such as Tim Ferris–seeing what her body is capable of, etc. Eventually she’d even like to attempt polyphasic sleep! She would love to just go out there and take on every interesting profession–to work on set, at Google, or small tourist shop owner off the Hawaiian coast.


Comments welcome!